Friday, October 8, 2010

How Do You Get Trigamonus


Gli ultimi giorni sono stati funesti. La morte di Sara Scazzi, ha colpito la sensibilità di ognuno di noi. Quegli occhi dolci e curiosi, la spontaneità che solo una ragazzina di quindici anni ci può regalare, sono entrati quasi ogni giorno nelle nostre case. Speravamo che fosse una fuga spontanea, una bravata ed invece abbiamo appreso con estrema amarezza della sua morte.Una vita spezzata, un fiore delicato reciso con violenza dalle mani vissute di un uomo, rozzo e dall'aspetto poco intelligente. L'orco era suo zio.
Zio Michele, che con toni semplici e disperati piangeva come un bambino davanti alle telecamere e si mostrava anche davanti al garage, proprio dove ha tolto la vita a Sara. Killed her because she rejected him and raped several hours after his death. Then thrown in a well, and Uncle Michael, comes home, with his tired limbs and hands dirty, and not because of the land he works, she lies in her bed, sleeps and eats his conscience is quiet. ...

Then after almost a month and a half, peel the phone to Sarah. to find the mobile phone was the uncle of the girl while he was working in a field that is on the road connecting the towns of Avetrana and Nardo, in the territory of Porto Cesareo (Lecce). The man, who had to clean the soil from weeds and then burn them with other workers, noted the phone and reported to the police. Intervened on the spot that the police are concentrating in the area of \u200b\u200bdiscovery research.

Anyone of us began to have suspicions about him and do not believe the strange coincidence. Beyond all, I believe that Sarah's death, joins a long list of killings in the family. Motivated murders of passion by men obsessed by a desire to be impossible or the fear of being abandoned. Poor Sara, my punishment for you is sincere and profound. It would indeed be utopian to hope for a world free of barbarism?


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