Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How Does Ringworm Look On A Puppy

Italy and work

Internet population, in spite of what our Prime Minister has, Italy is in crisis black. I'll tell you the story in call center, one of many born in our Sardinia, although they live on tourism, can provide employment opportunities through activities totally far from what our resources could offer.

As we know, the management company does not always work, and VOL2 is the result of several disastrous management. Easily lost count of how many "corporate crisis," she has gone through and how many managers have encountered.

However, the situation has not changed, indeed has reached a point that one hundred employees, still not seen credited salary in the bank.

What most worries the workers and that the current owner (great speaker) think is a little bit; Liori Sebastian, manager of Omega.

you are wondering who is Liori. It tells you something Eutelia?

Born to be one of the telecommunications giant, the company has gradually lost strength, and was sold to Agile in turn bought by the Omega Group. An operation that has raised many suspicions. The fuss was raised when two thousand employees of the Omega, the end of October, received a letter announcing the initiation of procedures for mobility. Hence the suspicion that the judiciary in Milan think that behind the sale of Eutelia there is something lacking in transparency. Not only that. The same Eutelia is the focus of another investigation initiated by the Prosecutor of Arezzo and sees ten investigated for tax fraud. Among them, several members of the Landi family, founders of Eutelia. (Unione Sarda Saturday, December 2009)

Any comment on it would be superfluous. Oh that is beautiful our generation, business call centers, who make up the 187, not even imagine that the other side could respond one of these young workers vol2, and so while the customer claims the malfunction of the ADSL network, a mother crying because he has no salary.

law to have a home and a family: pura utopia. Unica certezza : L'INCERTEZZA.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blepharitis Baggy Eyelids Toronto

Non potevo, non evidenziare un articolo del Corriere sul decreto salvaliste che a quanto sembra continua a suscitare l'attenzione della stampa straniera, che credo ci osservi con molta perplessità.Il nostro paese sta andando alla deriva più completa ed intanto il nostro premier, nonostante perda popolarità, continua ad ingrossare le sue tasche. Ha guadagnato infatti oltre 23 milioni di euro, 8,5 in più rispetto all'anno precedente... . Se avete voglia e stomaco forte leggete un pò..

"Silvio Berlusconi forza la legge elettorale" titola Le Figaro. Ma While emphasizing the forcing, the correspondence of the French conservative daily notes that the formal errors were likely to deprive 12 million voters of a candidate of the majority party.
"To unlock the electoral mess in which its candidates have strayed, Silvio Berlusconi has decided to impose," the Rome correspondent Richard Heuzé. "Without consulting the opposition and against the advice of the Head of State, the Prime Minister has decreed the extension of the deadline for submission of lists for regional elections of 28 and 29 March. This act puts an end to authoritarian a grotesque mess ( "cheating" in French) that had lasted for eight days. "
"This decree - continue Figaro - does not change the current electoral law. Does not refer to the election date or cancels. Three hypotheses taken into consideration during the week. "In summarizing the issues list in Milan and Rome, Heuzé explains that for the listings of Roberto Formigoni stamps were missing, while in Lazio says this version of events: the official of the PDL, writes , "was unable to register its list in time. It was located within the premises of the Electoral Commission, but the socialists and radicals, blocking his path, would not allow him to reach office on time. "
These" formal errors, "we read in Le Figaro, were likely to deprive twelve million voters (nine million in Lombardy e tre milioni nel Lazio) di un candidato del partito di maggioranza alle elezioni. L'articolo osserva che l'opposizione è "furibonda", mentre il governo ha perso tre punti in una settimana. "Due elettori della maggioranza su dieci dichiarano di non avere più fiducia" nell'esecutivo. La stessa Lega Nord ha parlato di dilettantismo sconcertante" del partito di Berlusconi.
Di tutt'altro tono la corrispondenza di Miguel Mora su El Pais. "Il popolo viola estende la sua protesta pacifica a tutta l'Italia" titola il quotidiano spagnolo. "Il movimento – si legge nel sommario - chiama a difendere la democrazia dopo il ‘decretazo' di Berlusconi. Il Corriere della Sera rivela che il primo ministro ha trattato ‘brutalmente' il Head of State. The government's popularity falls to four points and reach the lowest point. "
Thousands of young people with purple dress - says Mora - demonstrated in Naples, Rome, Florence, Arezzo, Sassari, Reggio Calabria, Bari Pistoia, Messina, Pescara and other cities. They read messages listed on the pages of the movement (ilpopoloviola.it) through Facebook and Twitter "to join the protest of the network and square." Purple people - he adds - joined the demonstration on Saturday next convened by the center.
On the role of head of state, the article points out that, apart from Antonio Di Pietro, the center "excuse" the president pointing out that politics is the art of possibile e che non aveva altra opzione che firmare per evitare "situazioni di violenza". Il corrispondente definisce "impressionante" la ricostruzione dell'incontro al Quirinale tra Berlusconi e il presidente Roberto Napolitano.
El Pais critica la linea seguita dall'opposizione: "La fragilità dell'opposizione esime Napolitano. Il centrosinistra ancora una volta ha dato mostra della sua profonda debolezza e della sua mancanza di visione". Se – argomenta Mora - avesse concordato con Berlusconi una soluzione politica del pasticcio, provocato dal partito di maggioranza ma dannoso anche per l'opposizione, sarebbe uscita rafforzata.
"In ogni caso", commenta il quotidiano spagnolo , "il gran perdente in questa storia di abuso di potere and general political ineptitude, in which there are no innocents, is Berlusconi. "The popularity of his government fell to 39%," the lowest point of the legislature. "
The English newspaper then leaves room for criticism of the constitutional Gustavo Zagrebelsky: La Repubblica claims that the lawyer is not a decree of interpretation. The measure "Remodeling the existing legislation and violates the principles of equality and fairness because it changes the rules of the game in full election campaign.
On the sites of the Nouvel Observateur and New York Times followed the story today launches agency. A Reuters, on Nyt entitled "The Italian opposition protest for the second day in a row," said the declining popularity of the government, but concludes that, despite these problems, the majority should have good results. The Reuters article cites Renato Mannheimer, according to which the weakening of the government's popularity has not translated into the strengthening of the opposition center-left, but instead a widespread sense of disillusionment with the political class.

I wonder there are already conditions to ask for political asylum? Greetings from


Monday, March 1, 2010

Welded Wire 'leaners,

Here we are stories of life

After a month, finally, my first Sunday of freedom. Well yes as opposed to what lay ahead in parliament a few years fa, ossia " la domenica resterà un giorno di riposo come è sempre stato nella tradizione italiana "...io, come molti altri lavoratori, aspetto la Domenica come un oasi in un deserto assolato e ciò perché, come avrete intuito, durante l'anno non ne ho tantissime.

Eh si perché nei call center si lavora sempre per garantire un assistenza ( o pseudo assistenza) ai propri affezionati clienti..Già compresi Natale, Capodanno, etc etc.

Non sarà difficile comprendere quanto io abbia atteso questo momento...

Ah che meraviglia, sveglia inesistente e colazione in tutto relax...piatti fatti la sera prima e casa non particolarmente disordinata, almeno non a tal punto da partecipare al guinnes del disordine.

Bagno caldo e profumato di amarena e cioccolata, e poi via in giro per la città......deserta. Ehi ma dove siete tutti? Ah già dimenticavo la domenica è il giorno del Signore e tutti si riposano....Si pone il quesito che fare?Di sicuro non shopping sfrenato.

Avendo la fortuna di vivere in un Isola meraviglio sa e per giunta vicino alla costa,viaaa in spiaggia..niente di meglio di una romantica passeggiata con sottofondo onde sulla battigia.

Il mare cristallino, calmo e immenso, il sole , le risa dei bimbi, tutto così allegro..così speciale, così "domenicale"....così terribilmente caldo! Ma si, via il giubbotto.Eh si non potevo chiedere di più......Forse But I must have something wrong or step recited a famous advertising < Signora lei sbaglia candeggio >.

fact I woke up this morning with his throat in flames .. What have exaggerated a bit '?! But I assure you it was worth it .. because, as he sang Mario Riva ..

Sunday is always a Sunday
and everyone will be happy
just wake up and spend money from these four

Greetings from Streghettacy