Friday, May 14, 2010

Milena Velba Und Miosotis


Even yet another ecological disaster, caused by the explosion of oil rig off the Louisiana could have been avoided, but as always greed that is becoming more lady in every human action, has prevailed.

British Petroleum, the owner of the well, Transocean, which owns the platform, and Halliburton, who built the concrete structure to the well, ignored the results of tests and checks that found weaknesses in the security system, a few hours before the fire. The three were unaware of the existence of serious structural problems and equipment of the Deepwater Horizon.

The flaw that spews from 20 days tireless least 5 thousand barrels of crude per day, is causing economic damage, but especially the environment. Even more serious is that BP, desperately waving the white flag and declaring, "We do not have enough resources to deal with the situation"

Good! Poor state of Lousina that already devastated Hurricane Katrina, we must prepare to face the ' black tidal wave that comes close to its unrelenting shores.

Waiting for news, Streghettacy greets you as you are concerned about the fate of the planet's blue now, still very little.

In the world there is' enough for the needs' of man, but not for his greed '.

Mahatma Gandhi


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