Conditions conceptual
There social actions (conversations with comic books and social stories) based on the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping social skills through improved social understanding and to share responsibility for social success.
To understand the conceptual assumptions that underlie the stories and conversations with socili comics parents and teachers are encouraged to abandon all preconceptions. All quickly accomplish a variety of assumptions to interpret their behavior, assumptions that are based on a common social knowledge. Applied to a person with AHF / SA, which can perceive events differently, these same assumptions can be wrong. resulting impairment of shared - due parti che rispondono con percezioni diverse e ugualmente valide dello stesso evento - e ciò rende difficile la comprensione reciproca e l'interazione. I genitori possono restare frustrati quando il figlio reagisce "inadeguatamente" o "senza una ragione evidente"; il bambino con autismo può vedere le azioni e le affermazioni delle altre persone come inopportune, illogiche o ingestibili. Non esistono comportamenti "bizzarri" ma solo reazioni umane che nascono da un'esperienza che non è compresa appieno.
Gli atteggiamenti di accettazione e creatività e il senso dell'umorismo hanno un ruolo centrale nelle storie sociali e nelle conversazioni con fumetti. secondo Asperger è importante che i genitori e gli insegnanti che lavorano con bambini affected by autism spectrum disorders have a sense of humor.
A precondition of social stories and conversations with comics is that the materials and teaching methods used should reflect the fact that a strength of children with SA / AHF is visual learning. The visual strategies can be used to give an organization learning and experiences.
Finally, parents and teachers who use social stories and conversations with comics recognize that motivation has a central role in learning, for which are in turn fundamental interests of the students. A child with SA / AHF can focus on the interests that parents / teachers is not relevant but which can be used creatively to increase his desire to learn new skills.
Parents and teachers, therefore, are encouraged to abandon traditional assumptions are used to interpret and explain the behavior of others because if applied in the students with AHF / SA may be incorrect. Vistra take the point of the pupil and adopt an attitude of acceptance and understanding are two basic requirements for working with social stories and conversations with comic books. the assumption that each student can expect, "read" or interpret events or social interactions differently, the goal of these methods is to provide social care, presented through materials and teaching techniques appropriate to the characteristics of learning. The covers with comic books and social stories are constructed to measure the individual student, according to its needs and capabilities, as well as their preferences and interests, thereby increasing the maximum capacity to understand the social environment.
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