Friday, January 30, 2009

Best Mid Range Reciever

Hello everyone!
In my previous post I mentioned the social stories and comic books as to conversations with possible treatment methods for patients with AHF / SA. Today, in my post I will just deepen the topic of social stories, so that the teacher (in contact with high-functioning children with these) may adopt.

A social history is a short story built with a certain size and with some specific criteria and used to objectively describe a person, a skill, an event, a concept or a social situation. most relevant information, often in the place where and when a certain situation, WHO is involved, what happens and WHY '. But there is not always confined to those aspects: often the most relevant information about a factor present in a situation that other people may seem obvious, but for an autistic person is cause for anxiety or confusion.
Often social stories are written when you identify a situation that upsets the child or the child with autism. Besides serving to share important information, most of the stories socili indicates the appropriate action. The people who write social stories are encouraged to share information taking into account the views, skills and interests of the student. Consequently, the social stories vary in content and level, even if all meet a standard that includes a specific numerical relationship between different kinds of sentences. The result is a story individializzata that provides accurate and reassuring.


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