The Catholic Church organization, it becomes increasingly inconsistent. There are key principles of Catholic beliefs, which are not put into practice. I am not referring to the poor Christian who does not recite the Hail Mary, but the church that is increasingly made the headlines for disconcerting. I am not to list the sex scandals, shameful because pepetrati against innocent souls, and for which the words will never be too much to spend, but rather I want to tell the venialità che sembra aver investito la chiesa. Vangelo secondo Matteo: "E' più facile che un cammello passi nella cruna dell'ago, che un ricco entri nel regno dei cieli". ...un momento ma allora perché la nostra religione è l'unica ad avere una propria banca per maneggiare affari e investimenti, l'Istituto Opere Religiose? La banca vaticana, visto che siamo tutti uguali davanti agli occhi del Signore, offre ai propri correntisti, anche a qualcuno di non troppo pulito, segretezza e ottimi rendimenti. Non vi sarete dimenticati delle dichiarazioni del pentito Francesco Marino Mannoia( rivelava che " Licio Gelli investiva i danari dei corleonesi di Totò Riina nella banca del Vaticano " e ancora " When the Pope (John Paul II, ed), was excommunicated in Sicily and the Mafia, the boss resented especially since brought their money to the Vatican. What emerged was the decision to detonate two bombs in front of two churches in Rome ".) But do not be friends of the malicious websites, and non-malignant, life must be generous. Do you think the boss of the Magliana, author of numerous donations, has not earned a marble tomb in the Basilica of Saint Apollinaris? And do not judge the good Don Evaldo Biasini, 'case more » available to Anemone. He young clergyman (born 1927) embodies the spirit of generosity Christian!
A Greeting bewitched
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