Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Men Brazilian Wax Pict

The Italian legislature leaves me breathless, I shudder every day, when you read certain sentences in court. Stefano Lucidi, the pirate of the road on the evening of May 23, 2008, driving without a license a powerful Mercedes, killing swept Alessio Guliani and Flaminia Giordani, two young men in the prime of their lives while on board a scooter passing by on Main Street, not want to provoke the incident. This is to confirm the conviction of Transparency five years imprisonment, as established on appeal, instead of ten years, as decided by the verdict of first instance had held liable for intentional murder. Stressed in the Supreme Court, in the written judgment 11,222, relating to the hearing held on 18 February, by which the prosecutor dismissed the appeal of the Court of Appeal in Rome, who wanted a copy verdict against 'homicidal crime Street. "

the supreme courts have shared a more lenient sentence because the defendant proved surprise and amazement. Moreover, since that was more than 90 kilometers per hour, past a series of red lights, Transparency could also have hurt himself and his companion, if he had collided with a powerful vehicle and as big as his.

Flaminia Today the girl's mother, gave a touching interview, took away the joy of living and this decision has killed again Flaminia.

A man who stole 100 packs of cigarettes had the same punishment.

person who procures a fatal accident is a ASSASSINO.Chi and running in the streets as if it had a powerful weapon in his hand. Too many victims in the streets and once again the sentence does not do justice.


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