Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pregnant After Previous Ruptured Appendix

What happened to the agenda of Wallet? Done From The Daily Newspaper of September 26, 2009


AT THE END OF '92 we were to discover the truth 'about the killings and perhaps also on external sponsors. With a sudden stop, the Interior Ministry decided to transfer me, and after a week, the head of the Mobile Arnaldo La Barbera in Palermo. We were told that everything had to pass into the hands of the carabinieri del Ros, they were dealing with important partners to get the arrest of the boss Toto 'Riina. For me it 's proof that the deal, already' a few months after the death of Borsellino, was known to all.'' With this explosive revelation, poured forth in recent days to the prosecution of Caltanissetta, the super-computer expert who Gioacchino Genchi, seventeen years ago, I participate 'in the forefront of the investigation into the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio, raises the question of responsibility 'and institutional policies related to the negotiation''''mafia-Stato.Chi knew? Some ovens' really an endorsement of the institutions to Ros-General to negotiate with Mario Mori 's former mayor mafioso Vito Ciancimino the end of the massacres and the arrest of Toto' Riina? The truth 'of Genchi, being examined by pm, offers a new key that winds between the rooms of the Interior Ministry, and threatens to open yet another controversy with former Interior Minister Nicola Mancino, now vice president of CSM, which has always denied the existence of an''official'' What nostra.Tirato dance in talks with in recent months by Massimo Ciancimino, the son of Don Vito, who has indicated to judges as the''guarantor''of institutional negotiation, Mancino has always denied across the board. And, when asked by prosecutors of Caltanissetta, Sergio Lari, and Palermo, Francesco Messineo, Thursday 'September 17, the former minister has repeated that he had never heard of it' negotiation ne '''''with requests Papello mafia to stop the massacres, aggiungendo che ''quando fu ipotizzato che questo potesse essere il disegno dei boss, l'eventualita' fu immediatamente scartata''. Nello stesso interrogatorio, Mancino e' tornato a negare anche l'incontro al Viminale, che sarebbe avvenuto il 1° luglio 1992, con il giudice Paolo Borsellino. Un incontro del quale l'ex ministro non ha alcuna memoria, ma che Borsellino annoto' scrupolosamente nella sua agendina rossa, un taccuino dove il giudice segnava gli appuntamenti. Sulla pagina dell'agenda, a quella data, risulta scritto: ''Ore 9.50: Holiday Inn. Ore 15: Dia. Ore 18:30: Parisi. Ore 19,30: Mancino''. E' un incontro al quale gli inquirenti attribuiscono una notevole importanza. Perche'?

That day, at fifteen, the DIA in the huge Roman, Borsellino has set a meeting with the new unrepentant boss Partanna Mondello Gaspare Muto, a former driver of Toto 'Riina, the first official interrogation. There are also links Vittorio Aliquo ', who was also at that time deputy prosecutor in Palermo, Lieutenant Colonel Dominic Di Petrillo and vice-quaestor Francesco Gratteri, both the DIA, el' police inspector Daniel Love. The history of the 'hood and collaborator' tortured: right arm and killer of confidence of the boss Saro Riccobono, Muto,''Baron said,''and 'one of the few survivors of the massacre of 30 November that del1982 tenth' the gang don Saro. Gasparino was saved 'for its proximity to Toto' Riina, his cellmate, with whom he played cards,''making it''to win, tell 'then the magistrates. That day, Borsellino, the anticipated regret that will 'explosive statements about the participating institutions. But first wants to talk about the mafia organization. L 'interrogation begins, Muto goes on for hours. Then, suddenly, something unexpected happens: a phone call. Requirements for''office,''the minutes is closed and then reopened at 17.40 to 19. Rita Borsellino is the reconstruction of the events of that afternoon:''All of a sudden, during the interrogation, Paul gets a call, closes the report, rushed to the Interior Ministry, accompanied by Aliquo 'and the stocks, then ritornada Muto. The penitent then told that, coming back from the interior ministry, Paul was so nervous that he smoked two cigarettes at once and decided not to continue the 'interrogation.'' Even more 'detailed' the memory of that afternoon from the mouth of the same repeated Muto, a few years later, on February 21, 1996, in the classroom of the trial for the massacre in via D'Amelio. "... The judge Borsellino comes to visit me, I will make a speech that was very clear [...] and we repeat, say, what I knew about some of the judges and officials State's very important, but 'we did not want to say anything if the first record I did not speak of the mafia, but say I warned them to tell us' there is this danger, in short, I think this thing goes wrong'. Then I remember probably [...] that Dr. Borsellino the first time I questioned, he received a phone call, I said, 'You know, Gaspare, I must stop' cause I phoned the Minister ',' okay, he says, not even half an 'and I come Oretta'. So missing a few hours, 40 minutes, that 'all' about an hour, and I remember that when it 'came, and' came all angry, agitated, worried, but even smoked so 'casually that he had two cigarettes in his hand. I, in short, not knowing what to ... 'doctor, but what has he?' And he, very concerned and serious, that I am back in the minister, and 'met with Dr. Palmer and Dr. Contrada ... tells me to write, to put on record what I told him orally, that' the Doctor Contrada, say, had colluded with the Mafia, the judge Signorino, say, was a friend of the mafia ... well ... friend who told him all he knew, there I said 'look at us more than' this must not verbalize anything, per- that 'there I said' I'll kill me ... well to me and then I'm interested that before I verbalize anything that has the 'mafia organization'. I just end up talking about the mafia, we can talk about anything, except that I do not care any more '. The last evening we leave with Dr. Borsellino and 'was, I think, on Friday', two days after the court ... jumping in the air.''

events of that afternoon of July 1, 1992,' was also heard Aliquo ', and now' of the State Attorney General in Palermo. But his recollection differs from that of Muto. Aliquo 'recalls that during quell'interrogatorio, beckoned to repented the categories of people colluding with Cosa Nostra, ma non fece nomi. Sulla visita al Viminale, poi, Aliquo’ conferma di aver incontrato Parisi e di aver accompagnato Borsellino sulla soglia dell’ufficio di Mancino, restando fuori; poi, di essere entrato a sua volta per un incontro con il ministro appena insediato, fatto dei consueti convenevoli. Non ricorda, pero', di aver incontrato Contrada ed esclude che Borsellino possa avergliene parlato. Ricorda che Parisi era al corrente del fatto che Borsellino stesse interrogando Mutolo, ma che questo era ovvio, visto che lui e Borsellino dovevano chiedere la scorta per ogni spostamento, e dunque informare la polizia delle loro attivita’. Al contrario di Mutolo, infine, Aliquo’ non ricorda alcuna particolare manifestazione di nervosismo, Borsellino in, after that 'meeting:''But when ever ... Paul would often turn to the new Dunhill with the butt of the previous one,' cause it was a large, chain smoker, not because 'it was particularly nervous.'' Borsellino, therefore, within that day 'in the back room' ex-minister? Yes, according to Giuseppe Ayala, a former MP of Palermo, who recently declared that''Mancino had a meeting with Borsellino, in a completely random, the day of his inauguration at the Interior Ministry. The same Mancino has always confirmed, he said to me ... But I have no way to read any conspiracy in this meeting. There was at the Interior Ministry Borsellino who spoke with the then police chief Parisi; arrival 'the new minister and told him if he would like to greet Parisi Borsellino. Mancino said, never mind ... Cosi 'Borsellino was accompanied Mancino's room, in the midst of so many other people, and everything was resolved with a handshake.'' A reconstruction that coincides with the latest details of Mancino in a television interview, said:''I just remember that with the intercom, I Parisi Phone 'to say, do you mind if the will' to shake hands with the judge Borsellino? I did not know him physically, I do not think of meeting him, I do not exclude that he could shake hands.''

the puzzle
After these revelations, investigative action back once again to focus on negotiations between the State and the Cosa Nostra and the institutional apparatuses that according to Genchi were aware, reopening questions about the mysteries of the agenda all red, the diary disappeared into thin air on which Borsellino wrote down the facts and considerations more 'hidden blood in the summer of '92. Why '? ''It 's not a chance' fiction - supports the prosecutor Sergio Lari Caltanissetta - that within that agenda, never again 'rediscovered, there were notes of Borsellino on a possible negotiation between the state and the gangs,' cause it would put end the massacres.'' Borsellino knew, therefore, a potential deal in progress? It 's true, as the repentant Giovanni Brusca, who''Borsellino dies of the pending negotiation between the Corleone and pieces of the institutions,''after''the judge he had come to know and someone told him to sit in silence, but he had refused'' ? But how would Borsellino became aware of open dialogue with the Mafia? It 'possible that on that pact''underground'', the judge had written his impressions on the pages of his diary red? E 'for this reason that the agenda and' disappeared soon after the explosion in via D'Amelio? Mancino now denies the existence of any type of open dialectic with the Mafia:''The official did not know anything - say, no one asked me to request for negotiations, but if I sapute I had, I would have immediately rejected, because 'the State is defended with determination. I am one who at the time of the poor Moro has always held that the State could not get to negotiate with the terrorist Red Brigades, and so 'I would have said even with respect to the aggression of organized crime.'' In the last interrogation, in Caltanissetta, then the vice president of CSM and 'was adamant:''Borsellino, that 1 July, I have not seen, unless there has been only a handshake, as hundreds other on that day, of which I can not remember.'' No interview''confidential'', therefore, between the then Minister and the court considered the heir of Falcone and second Mancino, no news of contacts between the police and the ROS Vito Ciancimino. More 'or less the same line held by General Mario Mori, which by its own admission, in that summer of '92 was the partner of Vito Ciancimino, in a series of talks aimed at the capture of Toto' Riina. More 'times questioned the existence of possible''sponsors''institutional''that they had authorized to deal with''the former mayor mafia, Mori has always said they acted independently. Denied, pero ', by employee Giovanni Brusca, who swears that in that exchange between the State and the mafia, the general was only a''broker''and Mancini, the man of the interior ministry, the true''terminal'' institutions. Contradictions, accusations and smentite, la ricostruzione della manovra d'intelligence che nell'estate del '92 avrebbe portato le istituzioni a patteggiare con i vertici di Cosa nostra e' oggi un autentico rompicapo per i pm di Caltanissetta. Con due collaboratori, Brusca e Cianci-mino junior, che sparano a zero contro Mancino. E l'ex ministro che, dall'alto del suo ruolo di vice-capo del Csm, invoca il massimo rigore nelle indagini e sfida i pentiti e i testimoni a tirar fuori le prove delle loro accuse. Ora a questi si e' aggiunto Genchi, l'uomo che per primo individuo' la pista del Castello Utveggio, sede di una cellula riservata del Sisde, ipotizzando l'intervento di pezzi deviati dei servizi segreti nella strage di via D'Amelio: e' lui che adesso accusa apertamente il Viminale have blocked police investigations on the murder hidden at the end of 1992,'''cause everything was to go to the police''Ros. The test, says Jenkins, that the deal was really nota.Ma Borsellino was also informed that after Capaci, could put the fight against the Mafia in the account opening a dialogue with the gangs? One thing is' certain. During the 57 days separating the massacre of capacity from the Via D'Amelio, the magistrate is visibly upset. His wife Agnes, says:''I understood everything.'' And:''I have to hurry.'' The red diary becomes his point of reference. In that pocket calendar, the court noted the considerations, doubts, anxieties, fears of those last hectic days of life. And always in those days again to his family:''They will kill me, but it will 'revenge of the mafia, the mafia is not revenge. Perhaps those who are physically mafia will kill me, but those who wanted to have my death will be others.'' Salvatore Borsellino says today, brother of the slain judge:''Paul was aware that behind and above the Cosa Nostra, in that turbulent period in Italian history,''other''faceless entities were working to carry out an operation to destabilize in the country.''

So the red diary, with its potential of intelligence, and 'considered the''black box''of the Second Republic. It and 'convinced even the right arm of Paolo Borsellino, the lieutenant of police Carmelo Canale, then accused of mafia and finally acquitted. The truth'''Borsellino's death - said more' times - is on his agenda .... an agenda that had given him a military court on which he wrote all his things confidential ... In that agenda, I am sure, there was also the truth 'about who and why' killed Giovanni Falcone.'' In that agenda, almost certainly, the magistrate had also written the name of''traitor,''this friend who had turned his back, causing him a tremendous disappointment. The episode is recounted recently to the Caltanissetta pm Massimo Russo and Alessandra Camassa, both former deputies in Marsala, that''around 24 to 25 June of '92,''visiting Paolo Borsellino in Palermo, were shocked to see him broken and in tears on the sofa in his office in the prosecution:''A friend - he said - has betrayed me.'' The last day of his life, that Sunday, July 19, 1992, just before going to meet his fate, Borsellino put down the agenda in his red leather bag, after spending a few minutes to write notes in anticipation of his trip to Germany . He saw his wife, Agnes, aim to fill those pages, and I tell 'courts. ''My husband never separated from that agenda, record all their meetings. I'm sure he had with him 'the day he was killed.'' In that agenda, says the deputy prosecutor of Palermo Antonio Ingroia,''there is' the key to the massacre of Via D'Amelio. E 'unlikely to be destroyed.'' For Ingroia, and 'more' logical to assume''that is in the hands of someone who could use as a weapon of blackmail.''But that agenda is not 'never been found. Inside the leather purse intact, raising the back seat of the Croma reinforced after the explosion in via D'Amelio, were the keys, cigarettes, even a wet suit. Agenda no. That was sparita.Tredici years later, in 2005, as a sleight of hand, the leather purse reappears in the hands of a man in civilian clothes who walks away from the carcass armored car Borsellino: and 'the image set in a color photo, taken by one of the thousands of reporters on the scene of the massacre still smoking. The man and 'the captain of John Arcangioli. The photo and 'finding a rare and precious. It 's the picture of one of the mysteries italiani.Un mystery on which the Supreme Court put a tombstone, rejecting the use of Caltanissetta pm to prosecute the officer who wanted to steal the agenda. The Supreme Court, confirmed the earlier filing of the preliminary hearing judge Paolo Scotto Di Luzio Arcangioli who had been acquitted, even questioning the very existence of the agenda.
For the Italian justice, in short, not 'state Arcangioli to get rid of that document. ''I think in that agenda – conclude Rita Borsellino – c'e' scritto il motivo per cui Paolo e' stato ucciso''. Chi l'ha fatta sparire, ormai a distanza di tanti anni, difficilmente saltera' fuori.


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