rehabilitative therapy through horse
Hello everyone!
Today I discovered that in addition to multi-systemic therapy in water, there is another type of therapy, in my opinion, unique and efficient, which could help an autistic child to improve their situation, this equestrian education. I've known through the Internet, particularly from the site / equitazione_autismo.htm . I will give you a brief explanation of how is this type of therapy.
The autistic disorder is complex and certainly deserves a multipurpose clinical approach, but also the Equestrian Rehabilitation can play its part in improving the quality of life of these subjects. The
promote contact between the autistic and the horse can just work on this aspect: learning to know and to manage even a simple shake of the manes or movement of the ears will be a time to de-tension that will promote openness to the outside world.
In addition, the serial nature of "rules" of shooting a horse: grooming the horse out of the box, mounted work, return to the team, will have a strategic role in reassuring and even though initially it will be difficult to understand and accept, in the long run, at least for some patients, will be transformed into a phase of structures and relationships of one's self with the world around them.
is important in the rehabilitation program is to set goals Equestrian clear, concrete and achievable, even if minimal.
not forget that for these patients, any change can be traumatic and a source of great suffering: being able to accept it easily even a fraction would be a great success.
The main goals on which it would be appropriate to construct the therapeutic process are:
Certamente tutto questo non risolve i problemi dell'autismo; inoltre la gestione di questi pazienti e la loro terapia riabilitativa non possono essere improvvisate: la malattia è un disturbo molto complesso, che va conosciuto profondamente ed adeguatamente trattato, anche in relazione al paziente che ci si trova di fronte.
Ma ciò non toglie che in tanti casi il cavallo può darci una grosso aiuto a rompere quel fronte di chiusura, silenzio e disperazione che molto spesso è il mondo autistico.
(Tratto da ).
Se siete interessati magari contattate il sito for more information, such as about the places where the therapy can be made.
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