The words that I never said
Reading for understanding:
The truth is that nobody in the world has good reason to believe that Jesus rose from the dead or that Muhammad spoke to the angel Gabriel in a cave . Whoever you think you know for sure that Jesus was born of a virgin or that the Quran is the perfect world of the creator of the universe is lying. Or is he lying to himself or to anyone else. ... What would you do if I told you that I am sure that the cells of my body to be an even number? What are the chances that I am in a position to really have counted my cells, and that has counted correctly? Perhaps it would be unfair (Or worse, "intolerant") of you to dismiss my statement as the product of a simple self-deception or dishonesty? Note that this statement has a 50% chance of being true (unlike claims about virgin birth and resurrection), yet is completely ridiculous. Some claims to knowledge - even facts that have a high probability of being true - immediately put to shame their supporters as intellectually dishonest.
So what I'm saying, and I support in my book, is that we should become intolerant of dishonesty, in conversations that we do. I do not mean we need new laws. All we need is a standard of intellectual honesty, in which those who claim to be certain of one thing that clearly can not know the conversations are pressed, put into difficulty. You see, everything would be resolved. If we treated all those who speak of God in the Senate as if they had just spoken about Poseidon ... I mean, imagine: we have all these hurricanes in the Gulf, and imagine that some senator say that in reality we must all pray to Poseidon, who, after all, that is its jurisdiction, that the ocean is picking up our cities. Clearly this would be the end the political career of that person.
(Sam Harris)
From the blog "The light found." You can find it right in the list of favorite links.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Chetana Blog Or Forum From Mysore Mallige Fame
There are bruises from the long run after
How bad song that light wheeled behind the stomach. It remains firmly out of every
The plaster has not spoken
plants are waiting.
spread like a brain wheat
tie a bow
a hand touches the paper the other raises the gift.
Up there, there's my name.
There are bruises from the long run after
How bad song that light wheeled behind the stomach. It remains firmly out of every
The plaster has not spoken
plants are waiting.
spread like a brain wheat
tie a bow
a hand touches the paper the other raises the gift.
Up there, there's my name.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Ladies Napkins How To Wear It
The Italian Labor
DJV - German Association of Journalists
Press stampa
24 febbraio 2009
Premio a Marco Travaglio
L'associazione della stampa tedesca attribuisce al giornalista e scrittore italiano Marco Travaglio il premio di quest'anno per la libertà di stampa; questa la decisione dei sette membri della giuria dell'associazione.
"Onoriamo in Marco Travaglio un collega coraggioso e attento, che si impegna contro tutti gli ostacoli per difendere la libertà di stampa in Italia" così Michael Konken, presidente dell'associazione della stampa tedesca, motiva la decisione.
Travaglio denuncia continuamente e pubblicamente i tentativi dei politici italiani, e soprattutto di Silvio Berlusconi, di influenzare i media a loro piacimento preventing independent information. His critique also aims to encourage Italian colleagues not to censor themselves.
Konken added: "The award of the Association of German journalists for press freedom is an appropriate recognition for Marco Travaglio. It should encourage journalists in Italy because they carry out their function of criticism and not be intimidated" .. . And I always chew
mud ...
DJV - German Association of Journalists
Press stampa
24 febbraio 2009
Premio a Marco Travaglio
L'associazione della stampa tedesca attribuisce al giornalista e scrittore italiano Marco Travaglio il premio di quest'anno per la libertà di stampa; questa la decisione dei sette membri della giuria dell'associazione.
"Onoriamo in Marco Travaglio un collega coraggioso e attento, che si impegna contro tutti gli ostacoli per difendere la libertà di stampa in Italia" così Michael Konken, presidente dell'associazione della stampa tedesca, motiva la decisione.
Travaglio denuncia continuamente e pubblicamente i tentativi dei politici italiani, e soprattutto di Silvio Berlusconi, di influenzare i media a loro piacimento preventing independent information. His critique also aims to encourage Italian colleagues not to censor themselves.
Konken added: "The award of the Association of German journalists for press freedom is an appropriate recognition for Marco Travaglio. It should encourage journalists in Italy because they carry out their function of criticism and not be intimidated" .. . And I always chew
mud ...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Gay Cruising Spots Sacramento
Luke was gay
Povia was sufficient, is now scarce.
Povia was sufficient, is now scarce.
His piece does not convince me at all, even if present a story as possible. Maybe strange, unlikely, but possible.
analyze the text:
Homosexuality di Luca fa parte del suo essere e non del suo diventare (il titolo lo sottolinea subito per quanto se ne parli al passato), fatto sta che in età matura egli scopre la sua natura gay. Non si crea, si scopre.
Da dove nasce tutto questo? Luca lo racconta.
Madre possessiva, padre assente. Madre gelosa, padre lontano.
Ergo: Luca cerca il padre o comunque una figura maschile nella sua vita. Va bene. La logica è tutta a suo favore.
La storia prosegue: Luca conosce un uomo, un uomo che lo ama. Luca trova quel sentimento inseguito da tutta una vita. Va benissimo, Povia sei tutti noi!
Ed ecco che mi girano le balle.
“…poi sembrava una gara a chi faceva meglio il sesso.”
Non è più un affetto o amore platonico? Sembra proprio di no. Si parla di sesso, di penetrazione, di atto, di azione. Luca non fa l’omosessuale, lo è. Non è comportamento, maledizione! E non è certo un’esperienza passeggera perché: “…per 4 anni sono stato con un uomo tra amore e inganni spesso ci tradivamo”
Ci tradivamo.
Con chi lo tradivi, Luca? Con una donna? Non credo proprio, visto che più in là affermerai “…poi ad una festa fra tanta gente ho conosciuto lei che non c’entrava niente lei mi ascoltava lei mi spogliava lei mi capiva ricordo solo che il giorno dopo mi mancava.”
Quindi Luca tradisce con degli uomini. E' una choice. It is not confusion. Luke is gay. A homosexual traitor.
Then there is the celebration and redemption, and here is his Povia slip style, morality and humanity. Luke becomes a traitor to his homosexuality as well.
conclusion, remains a question to me and to you personally:
Who is Luke? Well, Luke is a boy with severe problems of a sexual nature, derived from a fragile self-esteem. But it was not gay and now he is not straight. Maybe it's bisexual ... I do not know. But the song title should not be that. It 's a shot to the nuts.
And if this is not a song based on an actual event, but the fruit of a fantasy author again:
Povia was sufficient, is now scarce.
analyze the text:
Homosexuality di Luca fa parte del suo essere e non del suo diventare (il titolo lo sottolinea subito per quanto se ne parli al passato), fatto sta che in età matura egli scopre la sua natura gay. Non si crea, si scopre.
Da dove nasce tutto questo? Luca lo racconta.
Madre possessiva, padre assente. Madre gelosa, padre lontano.
Ergo: Luca cerca il padre o comunque una figura maschile nella sua vita. Va bene. La logica è tutta a suo favore.
La storia prosegue: Luca conosce un uomo, un uomo che lo ama. Luca trova quel sentimento inseguito da tutta una vita. Va benissimo, Povia sei tutti noi!
Ed ecco che mi girano le balle.
“…poi sembrava una gara a chi faceva meglio il sesso.”
Non è più un affetto o amore platonico? Sembra proprio di no. Si parla di sesso, di penetrazione, di atto, di azione. Luca non fa l’omosessuale, lo è. Non è comportamento, maledizione! E non è certo un’esperienza passeggera perché: “…per 4 anni sono stato con un uomo tra amore e inganni spesso ci tradivamo”
Ci tradivamo.
Con chi lo tradivi, Luca? Con una donna? Non credo proprio, visto che più in là affermerai “…poi ad una festa fra tanta gente ho conosciuto lei che non c’entrava niente lei mi ascoltava lei mi spogliava lei mi capiva ricordo solo che il giorno dopo mi mancava.”
Quindi Luca tradisce con degli uomini. E' una choice. It is not confusion. Luke is gay. A homosexual traitor.
Then there is the celebration and redemption, and here is his Povia slip style, morality and humanity. Luke becomes a traitor to his homosexuality as well.
conclusion, remains a question to me and to you personally:
Who is Luke? Well, Luke is a boy with severe problems of a sexual nature, derived from a fragile self-esteem. But it was not gay and now he is not straight. Maybe it's bisexual ... I do not know. But the song title should not be that. It 's a shot to the nuts.
And if this is not a song based on an actual event, but the fruit of a fantasy author again:
Povia was sufficient, is now scarce.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Dress Preservation Hanging
symbols and designs in a CCF
symbols and designs in a CCF, should be simple and representative. Persons are used to represent stylized human figures and to show buildings and objects using a few strokes esenziali.
avoiding any drawings that contain extraneous details or to implement the required amount of time that the particular artistic works to the detriment of the final end of the conversation. These drawings are not colored so that no confusion with the use of colors to represent the states of mind.
Students can be encouraged to add details to the drawing identification, which most of the figurative elements pregananza entered. This "personalization" can give more meaning to a conversation but should be used only to the extent that do not require a lot of time so as to slow the flow of the dialogue. The distinctive characteristics
chosen by the student are often different from those that would choose a parent / teacher, which in this case might have some difficulty in following a CCF. To reduce confusion to a minimum, the student and the parent / teacher can develop a personal dictionary of symbols, a coherent set of symbols, individualized for use as a reference during each CCF, noting that the dictionary of symbols personal each student is continually expanding.
symbols and designs in a CCF, should be simple and representative. Persons are used to represent stylized human figures and to show buildings and objects using a few strokes esenziali.
avoiding any drawings that contain extraneous details or to implement the required amount of time that the particular artistic works to the detriment of the final end of the conversation. These drawings are not colored so that no confusion with the use of colors to represent the states of mind.
Students can be encouraged to add details to the drawing identification, which most of the figurative elements pregananza entered. This "personalization" can give more meaning to a conversation but should be used only to the extent that do not require a lot of time so as to slow the flow of the dialogue. The distinctive characteristics
chosen by the student are often different from those that would choose a parent / teacher, which in this case might have some difficulty in following a CCF. To reduce confusion to a minimum, the student and the parent / teacher can develop a personal dictionary of symbols, a coherent set of symbols, individualized for use as a reference during each CCF, noting that the dictionary of symbols personal each student is continually expanding.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Whats The Strongest Deodorant
Conversations with comic books.
Hello everyone!
In my previous post I mentioned the social stories as a possible curative method of SA / AHF. Today in this post I'll talk about another possible method of healing: conversations with comic books.
A conversation with comic / CCF uses simple drawings, symbols, colors to illustrate abstract concepts, ideas and relevant details within selected conversations. though similar to any conversation in which they exchange ideas about the past, present and future, this method has some features that make it unique. Parents and teachers use it to clarify important information for the student with AS / AHF. conversations are useful when you find that a certain situazione è fonte di difficoltà, quando occorre chiarire il comportamento di altre persone o prepararsi ad una situazione nuova. Il contenuto di una conversazione viene simultaneamente esplicato attraverso doamnde attentamente selezionate che aiutano l'allievo a condividere certe informazioni. Ciascuna CCF indica sistematicamente ciò che le altre persone fanno, dicono e pensano. Inoltre, l'uso del colore evidenzia le motivazioni che dettano azioni e affermazioni esplicitando gli aspetti "invisibili" della comunicazione. In questo modo le CCF conferiscono prevedibilità ed organizzazione ad una interazione.
Hello everyone!
In my previous post I mentioned the social stories as a possible curative method of SA / AHF. Today in this post I'll talk about another possible method of healing: conversations with comic books.
A conversation with comic / CCF uses simple drawings, symbols, colors to illustrate abstract concepts, ideas and relevant details within selected conversations. though similar to any conversation in which they exchange ideas about the past, present and future, this method has some features that make it unique. Parents and teachers use it to clarify important information for the student with AS / AHF. conversations are useful when you find that a certain situazione è fonte di difficoltà, quando occorre chiarire il comportamento di altre persone o prepararsi ad una situazione nuova. Il contenuto di una conversazione viene simultaneamente esplicato attraverso doamnde attentamente selezionate che aiutano l'allievo a condividere certe informazioni. Ciascuna CCF indica sistematicamente ciò che le altre persone fanno, dicono e pensano. Inoltre, l'uso del colore evidenzia le motivazioni che dettano azioni e affermazioni esplicitando gli aspetti "invisibili" della comunicazione. In questo modo le CCF conferiscono prevedibilità ed organizzazione ad una interazione.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Burn Marks On Le Creuset
Loneliness and isolation are not the same thing! Social stories
Nel libro "Malinconia", scritto da Eugenio Borgna, che affronta appunto the subject of autism, you can read the following statements:
"... Autism as a metaphor for loneliness and how its expression unmistakable: there is that autism is not on this path inostenibile loneliness.
... The human reality and clinical autism varies dramatically from the situation as an existential loneliness, isolation as a psychopathological state. "
( Melancholy, "by E. Borgna, 2002, Feltrinelli Editore, IIedizione).
I'm not quite agree with the views expressed by the writer.
First loneliness and isolation are two very different concettoi between them. Loneliness is an experience of a waiver, you search for something, while the isolation is the experience of loss, isolation is the victim. It always has to do with estranizaione man in the world and with the human world in general.
Autism touches the themes of loneliness, but touches on the theme of isolation arid.
Nel libro "Malinconia", scritto da Eugenio Borgna, che affronta appunto the subject of autism, you can read the following statements:
"... Autism as a metaphor for loneliness and how its expression unmistakable: there is that autism is not on this path inostenibile loneliness.
... The human reality and clinical autism varies dramatically from the situation as an existential loneliness, isolation as a psychopathological state. "
( Melancholy, "by E. Borgna, 2002, Feltrinelli Editore, IIedizione).
I'm not quite agree with the views expressed by the writer.
First loneliness and isolation are two very different concettoi between them. Loneliness is an experience of a waiver, you search for something, while the isolation is the experience of loss, isolation is the victim. It always has to do with estranizaione man in the world and with the human world in general.
Autism touches the themes of loneliness, but touches on the theme of isolation arid.
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