Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kidney Stones And Referred Pain Shoulder Area

Intervention Study intensive diagnostic and SA delll'AHF

All people with SA / AHF should undergo a diagnostic study of intensive type neuropsychological / doctor, of course, suitable age and general functioning of the individual. All children (but not all adolescents and adults) with one of these diseases should be subject to the following exams:

1. testing with a WAIS (IQ tests between're ready to use and best-validated);

2. a thorough diagnostic examination by the medical point of view, including an extremely thorough physical examination (looking for signs of neurocutaneous disorders and syndromes associated phenotypes to particular physical), a culture and chromosome analysis of the PCR and a diagnostic test for brain imaging.

intensive diagnostic study from the medical point of view provides relatively few specific results: the cases in which there is a medical condition associated are probably less than 15%. In all these cases of SA / AHF in which there is a medical disorder or an underlying organic condition is essential saperlo.Di usually no way to diagnose a disorder of this kind without an intensive examination.

Monday, December 22, 2008

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Social factors

Hello everyone!
today in my post I want to point out if there are factors sociali (ed eventualmente quali sono) che possono far incrementare il rischio della nascita di un bambinio autistico. Ad es , l'autismo può essere legato alla famiglia di origine, ovvero può essere che nelle famiglie di classe sociale più elevata sia più facile che nasca un bimbo autistico? O ancora, l'autismo e l'emigrazione sono in qualche modo legati?? Ecco, proprio di questo mi occuperò quest'oggi.

L'autismo non sembra essere correlato a fattori sociali.
Sebbene non si possa escludere che l'AHF e la SA possano essere associati ad una classe sociale elevata, questo dato non sarebbe più interessante della scoperta che i genitori con un buon funzionamento intellettivo (Basically a high social class) are more likely to have children Functioning hight than parents with low intellectual functioning (usually lower class).
far, no published study has identified social dysfunction / family in SA and AHF.
Emigration from geographically distant cultures has been suggested as a possible risk factor for autism svipullo, but so far the search has not found data in this way.
The fact that a high percentage of parents of children with SA and AHF has characteristics related to autism raises the question of their "parenting skills".
would not be unreasonable to think that the lack of empathy parent can contribute to the development of some problem behavior / psychological in children, regardless of its genetics. On the other hand it could be argued that a parent with problems similar but less pronounced would be better able to understand and deal with some difficulties because they could perceive the child as "traits" or "personality style" rather than dist urbi.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Testical Pains When You Touch It

curiosity ...


Autism shows a frequency of 7 to 16 cases per 10,000 births. Hight Functioning Autism (high functioning autism / AHF), ie when the autistic child have good cognitive skills, affects only a fraction (11/34%) of these cases. Thus, the prevalence is probabilm institution less than one in 2,000 children in the general population, at least if defined according to current criteria for autistic disorder or infantile autism, plus an IQ equal to or greater than 65.

The relationship between the sexes is both unbalanced in 'AHF in SA. In a recent review of 16 population-based studies on autism that met the stringent criteria for inclusion in a mata - analysis, and Wing (1992) and Gillberg (1995) found that attendance was not large male How much does it previously thought and was closer to the ratio 2 to 3 males for every female in the relationship, often cited, of 4 to 5 males per female. However, for the AHF, it is likely that it affects many more males.
The reasons to explain the different frequency dell'AHF and SA in the two sexes relate to:
Genetic factors, which explains the maggiore frequenza del disturbo nei maschi;
Danno cerebrale (che si osserva più o meno con la stessa frequenza in maschi e femmine) nelle persone cn disabilità grave, che spiegherebbe i rapporti maschio : femmina più bassi in questo sottogruppo;
Differenze negli stili cognitivi e sociali generali di maschi e femmine, che farebbero sì che i primi abbiano forse più spesso delle femmine uno stile caratterizzato da minore empatia e che, in presenza di problemi di questo tipo, siano meno dotati di abilità di "mimetizzazione" sociale.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Herpes From Trying On Clothes

distinction between Asperger Syndrome and Autism Syndrome

Hi everyone!

In my post today will bring you some useful information to differentiate Asperger's Syndrome from autism is true that it could be confused with it.

Given that autism is the SA DGS, it follows that the two disorders should share many clinical features. These behaviors fall into the categories of impaired reciprocal social interaction, impairment of verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive and stereotyped activities. According to the tests we have, however, despite these similarities, there are several characteristics that differentiate children with SA than those with autism.

E 'now recognized that children with autism differ in level of functioning than those hight-functioning for some clinical features. Because children with AS have a definition for cognitive development "normal", the key is to distinguish them from those with autism to higher level of functioning. A review of studies published up to 1992 showed that children with AS are often verbal, are less frequently delayed echolalia and pronominal reversal, show no signs of impairments in social interaction each other but are more often bizarre obsessions.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Masterbate After Wisdom?


Hello everyone!

today in my new post I will give a careful definition and specification (taken from a book I read, entitled "The Special Friend"), Asperger's syndrome so that it is useful to an educator for the possible "diagnosis."

"Asperger syndrome / SA is a constellation of behaviors characterized by interactions cosiali unusual diffficoltà verbal and nonverbal communication and strong interest arguments for very limited. This condition is currently classified as Pervasive Developmental Disorder / DGS DGS and shares with other impairments in social interaction with each other, qualitative impairments in communication and a framework of repetitive activities and stereotyped. the disorder is "the General since the difficulties of extending to all Waits child's life, is also a developmental disability with an early onset of symptoms and a pattern that changes with aging."

(from "The Special Friend", Carlo Hanau, Peccioli (PI) 2006).

Monday, December 15, 2008

Turbotax Che Nâng Cao

Asperger's Syndrome Asperger's is a specific entity?

The main reason for considering a specific condition such as occurs when the original cause is unknown and different from that of other conditions. To date, this is not the case of Asperger syndrome because the cause is unknown. There are many clinical trials of hereditary factors, but also its association, within families, with other disorders.
associations were found between many different types of genetic conditions, metabolic and infectious disorders and specific dello spettro autistico, compresa la sindrome di Asperger. Benchè il grado di associazione vari da lieve a forte, nessuna condizione porta invariabilmente ad un disturbo autistico e nessuna associata ad un sottogruppo dello spettro autistico.
Una seconda possibilità è che la sindrome possieda un tipo di neuropatologia specifico. Le basi neurologiche della sindrome di Asperger sono oggetto di studio.
Terzo, la presenza di un pattern di disfunzione psicologica costante e definito giustificherebbe il fatto di considerare il gruppo di tratti descritto da Asperger come una sindrome specifica. I risultati delle misurazioni psicologiche sono variabili. Il dato che emerge più comunemente è che i punteggi verbali sono più elevati dei punteggi di performance e che alcuni dati vanno persi a causa dell'incapacità di lavorare sugli item a tempo.
Infine, la sindrome può essere considerata un'entità a sè stante in presenza di una risposta specifica a un certo metodo di intervento. Fino a oggi nessun farmaco si è dimostrato efficace nel trattare le menomazioni sociali e comunicative alla base dell'autismo. certi farmaci aiutano a volte ad alleviare certi sintomi associati, come l'ansia, la depressione o a ridurre comportamenti problematici come quello di tipo aggressivo, ma in tutti i casi dano un effetto variabile. dall'altro lato, gli approcci educativi efficaci sono quelli che si basano su programmi strutturati, organized and predictable, which provides ample space for the presentation of information and practical details and visual instructions. The contents of the program vary according to the syndrome, but not the intellectual capacity and the severity of social impairment of individuals concerned.

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The classification of the syndrome of autism.

Hello everyone.
Today I will explain the relationship between the syndrome of autism and thers types of personality disorders.
The debate on the status of the syndrome of autism as a separate entity is still ongoing.
E 'included in the general category of "Pervasive Developmental Disorders." The criteria require a compatible development up to three years of age with regard to normal language, self-care skills, adaptive behavior and curiosity about the environment. The other criteria are the presence of restricted interests and repetitive and stereotyped patterns of activity.
This definition is removed from the definition of Asperger's, which drew attention to the particular style of communication and social interaction. In addition, he described an initially normal development of different abilities dall'eloquio, in his first work stated that "the second year of life are already the characteristic manifestations, however, noting that parents usually do not recognize problremi if not later." Asperger also wrote that his syndrome could occur "in the less capable, even in children with severe mental retardation."
Lìespressione "schizoid personality" appears in the "personality disorders" of the DSM-IV and in the "disorders of adult personality and behavior" of the ICD - 10. In neither system is mentioned classifiers schizoid personality disorder of childhood. the definitions of the disorder in adults consist of a series of desrizioni posters of traits: emotional detachment, resulting in preference for solitary activities, tend not to derive pleasure from activities, excessive focus on the fantasies and introspection, lack of close friendships and a marked indifference to the rules and social conventions. Does not, however, refer to the course of child development.
Though These systems have given official international classification of the existence of Asperger syndrome, are of little use for solving problems related to overlap with autism and the plight of children "schizoid" Wolff.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Do You Use To Make A Dress Puffy?

... a little 'history of theory of mind

Ciao a tutti!!
Oggi, in questo mio post, vorrei parlarvi di come si è arrivati a scoprire e ad identificare la sindrome dell'autismo.
I tentativi di identificare delle sindromi fra i disturbi dello sviluppo psicologico possono basarsi sul comportamento manifesto, sulle teorie di sviluppo, sulle funzioni psicologiche o su una combinazione di questi vari aspetti. Per questo le medesime condizioni possono essere definite in base a criteri di tipo diverso da operatori diversi, e non essere ricinosciute come le stesse.
L'Autismo (In many respects similar to Asperger syndrome) was described in the work of the same acknowledgment and Asperger in 1944.
Asperger was an Austrian pediatrician He specialized in remedial education. He published his first work on the syndrome that later he was named in 1944 in a German journal of psychiatry and neurology. He chose to call this syndrome "psychopath driver", using the term "psychopathy" to indicate an abnormality of the person.
Asperger outlined the clinical picture, described in detail some case histories and explained his ideas about the nature of this unusual pattern of behavior. He described many aspects of children's behavior suffering from the syndrome he discovered but did not provide a list of essential diagnostic criteria.
addition, Asperger's often made reference to the stereotypical game, a strange responses to sensory stimuli, the fascination for rotating objects, stereotyped body movements, the aggression, destructiveness, restlessness. Asperger summed up the problems of these children not to treat the assumption that the automatic routines of daily living (such as motor skills, the basic educational skills and social conventions), but follow their spontaneous interests without regard to any restriction coming from the . He emphasized that these features were intended to durare per tutta la vita, anche se gli individui più abili erano destinati ad avere successo da adulti- a volte anche molto- trovando una nicchia in cui potevano usare i loro interessispeciale ed i talenti ad essi associati. Evidenziò inoltre che in genere i genitori non notavano alcuna anormalità nei figli fino all'età di tre anni e in qualche caso finchè il bambino non cominciava la scuola.
Vediamo dunque come gli studi di Asperger fossero molto centrati, precisi e azzeccati. La descrizione del pediatra è assai riconducibile al comportamento di un qualsiasi soggetto autistico.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How To Jump A Ramp In Pokemon

Salve a tutti!!!
I'm back here!
In my previous post I mentioned the "theory of mind" today, in my post, I will explain better what it is. The cognitive neurospicologia

tries to make assumptions about the mind starting with the deficit exhibited by patients. Autism is a condition that can be enlightening in terms of cognitive neuropsychology, especially as regards the mechanisms that govern the so-called "theory of mind."
Through an example, I will explain better what it is.
Sometimes, when a stranger knocks at our door, looking through the peephole often acknowledge, thanks to the scholarship that bears, or their clothes, that it is un venditore ambulante. Questo signore userà probabilmente tutta una serie di metefore per convincerci ad acquistare i prodotti che vende. Dal canto nostro, noi non faremo altro che inferire, in maniera del tutto automatico, che cosa stia nella sua mente per comprendere quale sia il suo obiettivo.
Ciò che è stato appena descritto èspiega a che cosa si riferisce la capacità di possedere meccanismi adeguati allo sviluppo di una "Teoria della mente" ed è proprio l'andamento di tali processi che sottendono la capacità di "leggere" le intenzioni altrui.
La presenza di un deficit all'interno di tali processi possa riflettersi sulla produzione linguistica, in particolare sull'utilizzo delle metafore.

Sperando di essere stata abbastanza chiara, vi saluto e vi invito a visitare il mio blog!!

A presto!